Source code for asgineer.testutils

Asgineer test utilities.

import os
import sys
import time
import inspect
import asyncio
import tempfile
import subprocess
from collections import namedtuple
from wsgiref.handlers import format_date_time
from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse

import requests

import asgineer

Response = namedtuple("Response", ["status", "headers", "body"])

testfilename = os.path.join(
    tempfile.gettempdir(), f"asgineer_test_script_{os.getpid()}.py"

PORT = 49152 + os.getpid() % 16383  # hash pid to ephimeral port number
URL = f"{PORT}"

# todo: allow running multiple processes at the same time, by including a sequence number

[docs]class BaseTestServer: """Base class for test servers. Objects of this class represent an ASGI server instance that can be used to test your server implementation. The ``app`` object passed to the constructor can be an ASGI application or an async (Asgineer-style) handler. The server can be started/stopped by using it as a context manager. The ``url`` attribute represents the url that can be used to make requests to the server. When the server has stopped, The ``out`` attribute contains the server output (stdout and stderr). Only one instance of this class (per process) should be used (as a context manager) at any given time. """ def __init__(self, app, server_description, *, loop=None): self._app = app self._server = server_description self._loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop is None else loop self._out = "" # Get stdout funcs because the mock server hijacks them self._stdout_write = sys.stdout.write self._stdout_flush = sys.stdout.flush @property def app(self): """The application object that was given at instantiation.""" return self._app @property def url(self): """The url at which the server is listening.""" return URL @property def out(self): """The stdout / stderr of the server. This gets set when the with-statement using this object exits. """ return self._out def __enter__(self): self.log(f" Create {self._server} server .. ", end="") self._out = "" t0 = time.time() self._start_server() self.log(f" {time.time()-t0:0.1f}s ", end="") return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.log("- Closing .. " if exc_value is None else "Error .. ", end="") t0 = time.time() out = self._stop_server() self._out = "\n".join(self.filter_lines(out.splitlines())) if exc_value is None: self.log(f" {time.time()-t0:0.1f}s ") else: self.log("Process output:") self.log(self.out)
[docs] def get(self, path, data=None, headers=None, **kwargs): """Send a GET request to the server. See request() for detais.""" return self.request("GET", path, data=data, headers=headers, **kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, path, data=None, headers=None, **kwargs): """Send a PUT request to the server. See request() for detais.""" return self.request("PUT", path, data=data, headers=headers, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, path, data=None, headers=None, **kwargs): """Send a POST request to the server. See request() for detais.""" return self.request("POST", path, data=data, headers=headers, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, path, data=None, headers=None, **kwargs): """Send a DELETE request to the server. See request() for detais.""" return self.request("DELETE", path, data=data, headers=headers, **kwargs)
[docs] def request(self, method, path, data=None, headers=None, **kwargs): """Send a request to the server. Returns a named tuple ``(status, headers, body)``. Arguments: method (str): the HTTP method (e.g. "GET") path (str): path or url (also see the ``url`` property). data: the bytes to send (optional). headers: headers to send (optional). kwargs: additional arguments to pass to ``requests.request()``. """ assert isinstance(method, str) assert isinstance(path, str) if path.startswith("http"): url = path else: url = self.url + "/" + path.lstrip("/") co = self._co_request(method, url, data=data, headers=headers, **kwargs) co_res = self._loop.run_until_complete(co) status, headers, body = co_res return Response(status, headers, body)
[docs] def ws_communicate(self, path, client_co_func, loop=None): """Do a websocket request and communicate over the connection. The ``client_co_func`` object must be an async function, it receives a ws object as an argument, which has methods ``send``, ``receive`` and ``close``, and it can be iterated over. Messages are either str or bytes. """ url = self.url.replace("http", "ws") + "/" + path.lstrip("/") if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() co = self._co_ws_communicate(url, client_co_func, loop) return loop.run_until_complete(co)
[docs] def log(self, *messages, sep=" ", end="\n"): """Log a message. Overloadable. Default write to stdout.""" msg = sep.join(str(m) for m in messages) self._stdout_write(msg + end) self._stdout_flush()
[docs] def filter_lines(self, lines): """Overloadable line filter.""" return lines
START_CODE = """ import os import sys import time import threading import _thread import asgineer def closer(): while os.path.isfile(__file__): time.sleep(0.01) _thread.interrupt_main() app = APP async def proxy_app(scope, receive, send): if scope["path"].startswith("/specialtestpath/"): await send({"type": "http.response.start", "status": 200, "headers": []}) await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": b""}) else: return await app(scope, receive, send) if __name__ == "__main__": threading.Thread(target=closer).start()"__main__:proxy_app", "ASGISERVER", "localhost:PORT") sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout.flush() sys.exit(0) """ LOAD_MODULE_CODE = """ import importlib def load_module(name, filename): assert filename.endswith('.py') if name in sys.modules: return sys.modules[name] if '.' in name: load_module(name.rsplit('.', 1)[0], os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), '')) spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, filename) return spec.loader.load_module() """
[docs]class ProcessTestServer(BaseTestServer): """Subclass of BaseTestServer that runs an actual server in a subprocess. The ``server`` argument must be a server supported by Asgineer' ``run()`` function, like "uvicorn", "hypercorn" or "daphne". This provides a very realistic approach to test server applicationes, though the overhead of starting and stopping the server costs about a second, and its hard to measure code coverage in this way. Therefore this approach is most suited for higher level / integration tests. Requests can be done via the methods of this object, or using any other request library. """ def __init__(self, app, server, **kwargs): super().__init__(app, server, **kwargs) self._app_code = self._get_app_code(app) def _get_app_code(self, app): assert app.__code__.co_argcount in (1, 3) mod = inspect.getmodule(app) modname = "_main_" if mod.__name__ == "__main__" else mod.__name__ is_handler = app.__code__.co_argcount == 1 name1 = app.__name__ name2 = "handler" if is_handler else "app" if getattr(mod, name1, None) is app: # We can import the app - safest option since app may have deps code = LOAD_MODULE_CODE code += "sys.path.insert(0, '')\n" + code if "." not in mod.__name__: code += f"sys.path.insert(0, {os.path.dirname(mod.__file__)!r})\n" code += f"{name2} = load_module({modname!r}, {mod.__file__!r}).{name1}" else: # Likely a app defined inside a function. Get app from sourece code. # This will not work if the app has dependencies. sourcelines = inspect.getsourcelines(app)[0] indent = inspect.indentsize(sourcelines[0]) code = "\n".join(line[indent:] for line in sourcelines) code = code.replace("def " + app.__name__, f"def {name2}") if is_handler: code += f"\napp = asgineer.to_asgi({name2})" return code def _start_server(self): # Prepare code code = START_CODE.replace("ASGISERVER", self._server).replace("PORT", str(PORT)) code = code.replace("app = APP", self._app_code) with open(testfilename, "wb") as f: f.write((code).encode()) # Start server, clean up the temp filename on failure since __exit__ wont be called. try: self._start_subprocess() except Exception as err: self._delfile() raise err def _start_subprocess(self): # Start subprocess. Don't use stdin; it breaks multiprocessing somehow! self._p = subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, testfilename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) # Wait for process to start, and make sure it is not dead while self._p.poll() is None: time.sleep(0.02) try: requests.get(URL + "/specialtestpath/init", timeout=0.01) break except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.ReadTimeout): pass if self._p.poll() is not None: raise RuntimeError( "Process failed to start!\n" + ) def _stop_server(self): # Ask process to stop self._delfile() # Force it to stop if needed for i in range(5): etime = time.time() + 5 while self._p.poll() is None and time.time() < etime: time.sleep(0.01) if self._p.poll() is not None: break self._p.terminate() else: raise RuntimeError("Runaway server process failed to terminate!") if self._p.poll(): self.log(f"nonzero exit code {self._p.poll()}") # Get output return"ignore") def _delfile(self): try: os.remove(testfilename) except Exception: pass async def _co_request(self, method, url, **kwargs): r = requests.request(method, url, **kwargs) return r.status_code, r.headers, r.content async def _co_ws_communicate(self, url, client_co_func, loop): import websockets try: ws = await websockets.connect(url) except websockets.InvalidStatusCode: return None ws.receive = ws.recv res = await client_co_func(ws) await ws.close() return res
[docs]class MockTestServer(BaseTestServer): """Subclass of BaseTestServer that mocks an ASGI server and operates in-process. This is a less realistic approach, but faster and allows tracking test coverage, so it's more suited for unit tests. Requests *must* be done via the methods of this object. The used url can be anything. """ def __init__(self, app, **kwargs): super().__init__(app, "mock", **kwargs) if app.__code__.co_argcount == 3: self._asgi_app = app else: self._asgi_app = asgineer.to_asgi(app) self._out_writes = [] def _write(self, msg): self._out_writes.append(msg) def _start_server(self): self._out_writes = [] self._ori_streams = sys.stdout.write, sys.stderr.write sys.stdout.write = sys.stderr.write = self._write try: self._lifespan_messages = [] self._lifespan_completes = [] self._lifespan_task = self._make_lifespan_task() self._wait_for_lifespan_complete("startup") except Exception as err: self._restore_streams() raise err def _restore_streams(self): sys.stdout.write, sys.stderr.write = self._ori_streams def _stop_server(self): try: self._wait_for_lifespan_complete("shutdown") except Exception as err: self._restore_streams() raise err else: self._restore_streams() return "".join(self._out_writes) def _make_lifespan_task(self): scope = {"type": "lifespan"} async def receive(): while True: if self._lifespan_messages: return self._lifespan_messages.pop(0) await asyncio.sleep(0.02) async def send(m): self._lifespan_completes.append(m["type"]) return self._loop.create_task(self._asgi_app(scope, receive, send)) def _wait_for_lifespan_complete(self, what, timeout=5): what_complete = f"lifespan.{what}.complete" async def waiter(): etime = time.time() + timeout while what_complete not in self._lifespan_completes: if self._lifespan_task.done(): raise RuntimeError( f"Lifespan task finished without producing {what}" ) if time.time() > etime: raise RuntimeError( f"Timeout for {what}, has {self._lifespan_completes}" ) await asyncio.sleep(0.02) self._lifespan_messages.append({"type": f"lifespan.{what}"}) self._loop.run_until_complete(waiter()) def _make_scope(self, request): scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragement = urlparse(request.url) if ":" in netloc: host, port = netloc.split(":", 1) port = int(port) else: host = netloc port = {"http": 80, "ws": 80, "https": 443, "wss": 443}[scheme] # Include the 'host' header. if "host" in request.headers: headers = [] elif port == 80: headers = [[b"host", host.encode()]] else: headers = [[b"host", ("%s:%d" % (host, port)).encode()]] # Include other request headers. headers += [ [key.lower().encode(), value.encode()] for key, value in request.headers.items() ] if scheme.startswith("http"): return { "type": "http", "http_version": "1.1", "method": request.method, "scheme": scheme, "path": unquote(path), "root_path": "", "query_string": query.encode(), "headers": headers, "client": ["testclient", 50000], "server": [host, port], } elif scheme.startswith("ws"): return { "type": "websocket", "scheme": scheme, "path": unquote(path), "root_path": "", "query_string": query.encode(), "headers": headers, "client": ["testclient", 50000], "server": [host, port], "subprotocols": [], } else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown scheme: {scheme}") async def _co_request(self, method, url, **kwargs): req = requests.Request(method, url, **kwargs) p = req.prepare() # Get the "resolved" request p.headers.setdefault("user-agent", "asgi_mock_server") scope = self._make_scope(p) # --- client_to_server = [] server_to_client = [] if p.body is not None: client_to_server.append(p.body) else: client_to_server.append(b"") async def receive(): if client_to_server: chunk = client_to_server.pop(0) return { "type": "http.request", "body": chunk, "more_body": bool(client_to_server), } else: if method == "GET": # We wait ... this is us mimicking an open connection await asyncio.sleep(9999) elif method == "PUT": return {"type": "http.disconnect"} else: # Let's be a bad server and return None instead return None async def send(m): if m["type"] == "http.response.start": headers = dict((h[0].decode(), h[1].decode()) for h in m["headers"]) headers.setdefault("date", format_date_time(time.time())) headers.setdefault("server", "asgineer_mock_server") response.extend([m["status"], headers]) elif m["type"] == "http.response.body": server_to_client.append(m["body"]) else: pass # ignore? response = [] await self._asgi_app(scope, receive, send) if not response: response.extend([9999, {}]) response.append(b"".join(server_to_client)) return tuple(response) async def _co_ws_communicate(self, url, client_co_func, loop): req = requests.Request("GET", url) p = req.prepare() # Get the "resolved" request p.headers.setdefault("user-agent", "asgi_mock_server") scope = self._make_scope(p) # --- client_to_server = [] server_to_client = [] async def receive(): while not client_to_server: await asyncio.sleep(0.02) return client_to_server.pop(0) async def send(m): server_to_client.append(m) class WS: def __init__(self): self._closed_server = False self._accepted = False async def send(self, value): if self._closed_server: raise IOError("ConnectionClosed") if isinstance(value, bytes): m = {"type": "websocket.receive", "bytes": value} elif isinstance(value, str): m = {"type": "websocket.receive", "text": value} else: raise TypeError("Can only send bytes/str.") client_to_server.append(m) async def receive(self): # Wait for message to become available if self._closed_server: raise IOError("WS is closed") while not server_to_client: await asyncio.sleep(0.02) # Get message and handle special cases m = server_to_client.pop(0) if m["type"] in ("websocket.disconnect", "websocket.close"): self._closed_server = True raise IOError("WS closed") if m["type"] == "websocket.accept": self._accepted = True return await self.receive() # Return return m.get("bytes", None) or m.get("text", None) or b"" async def close(self): client_to_server.append({"type": "websocket.disconnect"}) async def __aiter__(self): while True: try: yield await self.receive() except IOError: return loop.create_task(self._asgi_app(scope, receive, send)) client_to_server.append({"type": "websocket.connect"}) ws = WS() result = await client_co_func(ws) client_to_server.append({"type": "websocket.disconnect"}) return result