About ASGI

You don’t have to know or care about ASGI in order to use Asgineer, but here’s a short summary.

What is ASGI?

The ASGI specification allows async web servers and frameworks to talk to each-other in a standardized way. You can select a framework (like Asgineer, Starlette, Responder, Quart, etc.) based on how you want to write your code, and you select a server (like Uvicorn, Hypercorn, Daphne) based on how fast/reliable/secure you want it to be.

ASGI is like WSGI, but for async.

In particular, the main part of an ASGI application looks something like this:

async def application(scope, receive, send):

Asgineer and other ASGI frameworks

ASGI is great, but writing web apps directly in ASGI format is tedious. Asgineer is a tiny layer on top; it still feels a bit like ASGI, but nicer.

Other ASGI frameworks include Starlette, Responder, Quart, and others.